Unsure of what summer stock theatre is and why it’s important? Here’s a quick run down. Theatres are typically “in season” from August – May, just like schools. Except unlike schools, seasonal theatre professionals do not get paid summers off.
Enter summer stock theatre companies.
Most of these companies are only open during the summer and still manage to put on a rather established/accomplished season. In order to make this happen on a quick time frame and within budget, these theatre companies hire a large number of theatre professionals and often employ apprentices and interns at a lower rate to give them on-the-job mentorship and learning experiences.
Summer stock theatres exist at all levels of theatre and you can find them ANYWHERE. Seriously. East coast, west coast, midwest, city, suburb, university, barn – you name it. Summer stock theatres are everywhere.
Summer Stock companies are so important for our industry and this is why:
Summer is here and if time got away from you during the summer stock application process – it is NOT too late. Fortunately for you, people are constantly shifting around in summer stock. As decisions are being made – people tend to bounce around, so you still have a shot.
Three years ago, I was in a similar position. I thought I was going to have a theatrical internship in Houston – but at the last minute, it fell through. I came home from college around this time, and spent two days applying to literally every summer stock job I could find – somewhere around 50 jobs. Most of these jobs, I never heard from again – but at the beginning of June the production manager for Kingsmen Shakespeare Company called me and I was hired on a 3-day notice.
I know you have been super busy – but it is not too late to apply. Sit down for a few hours this week and send out your resume to as many places you can.
I have the most success using offstagejobs.com – but you can also look through facebook groups to see if anyone has posted a last minute job recently.
Offstagejobs.com — You can even narrow down your search by using advanced search and checking the boxes for last minute AND summer. THEN you can narrow your search down even more by selecting the department you are looking for work in.
Facebook groups — I know what you’re thinking. Really? Yes. I have applied for many jobs that I found via facebook. Facebook groups. Search for theatre groups in a city you want to work in, or groups specifically for your field. Some open groups I’m in:
I hope this helps to encourage you to put yourself out there and APPLY. You never know what opportunity will come your way. I would LOVE to hear about the jobs you apply for (and hopefully recieve)! Let me know how it goes in the comments below – and if you have any other suggestions on where to find jobs, I would love to hear those too!